
The first thing I noticed on this morning’s walk, a dead sunflower stalk, head dangling over the fence, a little like I was feeling… completely drained, tired of the news, tired of the mistrust… given and received. Not so long ago, when this adventure began, the sunflower had a bright yellow corona facing and following the sun.

The sun is now hidden by dark grey rain clouds, the cold wind is blowing from the south and no amount of wrapping can keep the iciness from infiltrating every layer.

I turn the corner and a burst of colour brings me back to a mellower mood

the people I met were a little guarded yet kind, the odd nod, the side step to let me pass and the drivers stopping to allow me to cross the road.

The walk, the photos, the people gave me cause for thought… how had I navigated this Covid era? I have certainly found it difficult, depressing at times and perplexing at other times.

As I continued to walk wafts of smoke from fireplaces intermingled with curries, roasts and bolognese sauce being cooked for lunch, and I concluded that our beliefs, our traditions our values had all failed to keep us close to our hearth! Covid had made us re-centre and find the value of being with our children longer than two hours, walking the dogs morning, noon and night, hot cooked lunch, morning tea, afternoon tea…

Perhaps it is looking through rose tinted glasses, and not the norm… yet kids are happily skipping around their parents, neighbours being courteous… it is almost as if we are all rediscovering fundamental values, kindness, empathy and being with those we love.