Sacred ground… Red Centre

Walk quietly

I am sitting quietly back home in Melbourne, blanket tightly wrapped around me, the heater on… looking at all the photos we took of the desert landscape. I can hardly believe we were really there… freezing one moment… in t-shirt and sweating only a few hours later… and the bluest of skies contrasting with the reddest of dirt and boulders!

I ask myself what brought us there, and it’s the same thing that took us on our first Camino… it was something we needed to do, something we needed to see and feel.

The stillness

Gorge walk

The colours

The richness

The expanse

The flatness

The rocks drew us like flies, we wanted to touch, we wanted to get close, we wanted to walk all the way round and we wanted to look back at where we had been.

The walking … not easy and sometimes almost impossible scrambling up the rocks, climbing, descending… wishing we had brought walking poles for extra stability. Getting to the end of the day, hot and bothered and wanting another look at the rock with the sunset and evening colours. We added about 50 kms to our fund raising for , mostly though we came away with just a little more blue sky and red dirt in our hearts.